Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Multiculturalism In Canada The benefits of a...

Multiculturalism in Canada: The Benefits of a Multicultural Society Canada is a very interesting country, mainly due to its diversity. The weather in Canada can be both freezing and very hot. Some land is rocky and mountainous, while other places are composed of flat, rolling hills. And in Canada, you can find many different races, from Asian to Latin, African to Indian. Canada is the most multicultural country in the world, and a lot of Canadas development and success can be attributed to immigrants coming into Canada (Samuda, 1984). Yet not all people agree that multiculturalism has had only positive effects on Canada. There are some drawbacks that are due to Canadas policies on immigration and multiculturalism. However, by†¦show more content†¦One of the main reasons why people believe that Canadas multicultural policy does more harm than good is because it creates racism. By putting many different races together, all of which have different cultural and value differences, acts of discrimination and racism are bound to occur. Also, some i mmigrants bring with them histories of conflict in their home countries to Canada, which leads to problems that could include violence, hatred, and discrimination (Bibby, 1990). Rather than unite Canadians, these factors would only divide Canadian society. Another main reason as to why some people view multiculturalism in Canada negatively is because it creates confusion and misunderstanding. Many people that come to Canada know only their native tongue, and their own countries rules and laws. Being introduced to Canadian laws, language and customs can prove to be quite the challenge. A third reason as to why not everyone supports multiculturalism is because of the fear of eroding traditional British heritage. Canada has close ties to its mother-nation Britain, and many believe that by allowing immigrants of different ethnic backgrounds into the country, the link between Canada and Britain will only weaken (Satzewich, 1992). These are all examples of downsides to Canadian multiculturalism, yet there are many benefits that result from multiculturalism as well. The benefits of multiculturalism in Canada make up for theShow MoreRelatedMichelle Julia Anderson- 250848884. 2230E- Erin Orr. Tuesday,1329 Words   |  6 PagesOrr Tuesday, February 7th, 2017 Multiculturalism has played a significant role in Canada, since its establishment 40 years ago. Much of Canadian society is reflective of different cultures from around the world making multiculturalism a very relevant topic to Canadians. While it can be argued that the majority of Canadians are in favor of multiculturalism, there are some who hold a different opinion. 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